Positieve exit


  • Betaalbare en duurzame energie
  • Verantwoorde consumptie en productie
  • Klimaatactie
Soort impact Hernieuwbare energie Maturiteit Development
Opgehaald bedrag : € 356 500,00



LCEET stands for "La Compagnie Énergies et Territoires", which literally means The Territorial and Energetical Company. LCEET initiates and develops local energy production projects, transforming natural resources (sun or biomass for instance) into green energy. The company intends to give energetical autonomy to territories, helping local auto-production systems and local auto-consumption systems set up. LCEET first appraises a land and then suggests green energy production solutions compatible with the given land. They invest in the project until they receive the building permit. LCEET is an investor and a developer, thanks to its skills in green energy production and to the experts network they built.

The team leading LCEET


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Doel van de fundraising
€ 300 000
Financieel product
Investeren in niet-beursgenoteerde bedrijven brengt het risico met zich mee dat het volledig geïnvesteerde geldbedrag verliest.