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Le Fourgon

Visit their website
  • Re-use
  • Home Delivery
  • Local
  • Zero waste
  • Sustainable cities and communities
  • Responsible consumption and production
  • Action against climate change
Impact category Sustainable living Degree of maturity Acceleration
Amount collected : € 2 012 700.00



Founded in 2021, Le Fourgon reinvents the old-fashioned milkman service by delivering beverages and reusable products to homes and offices using electric vans. After a promising launch in Lille, the company expanded throughout Northern France and rapidly into several major French cities (Bordeaux, Toulouse, Strasbourg, Lyon, Nantes, Nancy, etc.). Today, it operates 18 warehouses near each of these cities to centralize a diverse range of nearly 2,500 items, primarily from local producers (within 150 km of the warehouses).

Le Fourgon now offers a wide array of new products: hygiene items, cosmetics, rice, pasta, vegetables, flour, sugar, applesauce, etc., which has increased the average basket size by over €14 and boosted its private label brand to account for 18% of sales (up from 7.5% in 2023). With its new locations, Le Fourgon reused nearly 8.6 million bottles in 2023—a first in France—and achieved a strong revenue growth of over €1.9 million per month. The service has won the approval of more than 58,000 customers, with a satisfaction rating of 4.97/5 on Trustpilot.

Having raised €17 million since its inception, including €3 million in bonds from 1,526 citizens via in 2023, Le Fourgon continues its expansion momentum and aims to solidify its model. It is now inviting its community to invest €3 million in its capital alongside existing investors, in preparation for its Series B funding round planned for 2025.

Join the return of bottle reuse across France by becoming a shareholder of Le Fourgon!

Become a shareholder of Le Fourgon now! ('video in french')

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Valerie N.

Au dela de l'impact environnemental bien sur, j'ai investi dans Le Fourgon car je les suis depuis le début de l'aventure ou presque sur les réseaux, je crois beaucoup en l'équipe fondatrice et sa capacité à se positionner en tant que leader. Le retour à la consigne est pour moi une évidence (je le pratique ici en Colombie et avais d'ailleurs déja pensé au potentiel en France/Europe). Je vois beaucoup de potentiel dans la facon dont Le Fourgon le revisite et modernise. Enfin la croissance démontrée, avec une certaine prudence, et les perspectives me semblent cohérentes.

Sam B.

I invested in Le Fourgon because I believe their model of delivering reusable bottles and picking them up directly from customers homes aligns perfectly with the preferences of people in modern life. I am passionate about their goal of reducing single-use plastic waste and encouraging consumers to adopt more eco-friendly options. I also appreciate the convenience that their service offers, which adds significant value to their business model. Overall, I see a lot of potential for Le Fourgon as a leader in sustainable solutions.


Reasons to invest

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Amount collected
€ 2 001 700
Financial product
Investing in unlisted companies carries the risk of losing all the money invested.
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