On LITA.co, choose the world you want your savings to support.
Invest directly in companies that take a real part in social and ecological transition.
Invest easily and quickly • From €100
Investments made
Jobs created or secured
Million euros collected
Find the sustainable investment offer that's right for you
Tech for good
Sustainable real estate
Renewable energy
Social economy
Agriculture & Industries
Sustainable living
Tech for good
Do you want to experience an entrepreneurial adventure?
Invest in revolutionary start-ups, scale-ups and SMEs with significant growth prospects that put
technological innovation at the service of the common good.
Do you want to tackle bad housing and promote social mix?
Invest in socially responsible real estate companies, ecological real estate projects and new forms of
housing that are striving to give everyone access to proper and sustainable housing.
Do you want to participate in the development of renewable energy sources?
Invest in SMEs that actively participate in the energy transition through innovation and the production of
renewable energies: solar, wind, hydraulic or biomass enery.
Do you want to finance a sustainable and socially responsible economy?
Invest in cooperatives, associations and integration companies or adapted companies
of the social and solidarity economy that put equity at the heart of their model.
Do you want to accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy?
Invest in SMEs from polluting sectors that are committed to reduce their carbon footprint
and aiming to align their activities with climate change challenges.
Do you want to participate in the creation of virtuous sectors and the preservation of know-how?
Invest in farmers and transformers creating new sustainable agricultural systems or industrial players
actively participating in the re-localization of new sectors.
Want to help reduce the carbon footprint of general consumption?
Invest in ethical brands that offer products and services with a positive social and environmental impact
enabling consumers to adopt a more responsible lifestyle.
An environmentally friendly shipping company with wind-powered cargo ships.
Financial benefits
Annual interest rate of 9% over 6 years
Sustainable real estate
Indrani - Morimont Site
Bonds 8%
Fundraising goal
€ 1 250 000
The real estate renovation project that is exemplary in terms of ecological transition.
Financial benefits
Annual interest of 8% over 2 years
Fundraising goal
€ 100 000
Community spaces dedicated to the performing arts offering sessions and venues for learning, creating and exchanging between professionals and amateurs around dance, theatre and music.
Financial benefits
Tax Shelter 45%
Renewable energy
Apex Energies BE
Bonds 6,5%
Fundraising goal
€ 250 000
A benchmark company in the production of photovoltaic solar energy, with more than 750 sites deployed.
Financial benefits
Annual interest rate of 6.5% over 4 years
Social economy
Bonds 5%
Fundraising goal
€ 150 000
Belgium - Flanders:
A scientifically based initiative that encourages children in a playful way to practice sports in order to increase social integration and promote a healthy lifestyle. Sport for everyone!
Financial benefits
Yearly interests rate 5 %
Green bonds 10%
Fundraising goal
€ 300 000
A mission-driven company in the real estate sector, committed to decarbonise its construction activities and contribute to global carbon neutrality by 2050.
Financial benefits
Annual fixed gross interest rate at 10% during 5 years
Agriculture & Industries
Clean Water Global
Fundraising goal
€ 316 000
A complete solution that both collects and purifies paint rinse water, as well as contributes to a circular coatings industry, drastically reducing water pollution.
Financial benefits
Tax Shelter 45%
Sustainable living
Indrani Group
Bonds 10%
Fundraising goal
€ 500 000
Belgium - Walloon Brabant:
An eco-site that is exemplary in terms of ecological transition, circularity, and energy efficiency, whose mission is "Living well in a sustainable world".
Financial benefits
Bonds 10% - 7 years
Companies selected on the basis of their growth prospects, their responsibility and their positive impact on society.
100% online, 100% transparent and 100% responsible as of 100 €
From a tax deduction coupled with any dividends and / or capital gains if you have invested in the capital
of a company OR the payment of periodic interest if you lend your money to a company
In a transparent way the evolution of the company in which you have invested, directly from your LITA.co account.