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Touti Terre

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  • Organic food
  • Sustainable Production
  • Health
  • Good health & well being
  • Responsible consumption and production
Impact category Agriculture & Industries Degree of maturity Development
Amount collected : € 653 015.25



Malgré une forte croissance d'activité jusqu'en 2021, aucun accord de reprise de la société n’a été trouvé avec les parties positionnées depuis de nombreux mois sur le dossier en redressement judiciaire. Décision de liquidation judiciaire de la société.


TOUTI TERRE is a french corporation fostering an international ambition that has chosen to beg on humanoïde robotics ; i.e a technology that mix humans and robots capacities to boost the productivity of small an large farming while taking care of employees health. Starting from her sisters farming needs, Flore Lacrouts-Cazenave has created with her father Ivan Lacrouts-Cazenave, a farming machine with electric propulsion system making the work of farmers easier by reducing the drudgery of farmers work thanks to an adjustable posture.
The farmer, master of the pace, can execute several tasks thanks to the Toutilo. For example, the farmer can cultivate vegetables while Toutilo  is weeding on each row. With the automated register guidance, the farmer can focus on its gesture without having to monitor the vehicle and saved up to 35% of working hours in 1 season. TOUTI TERRE develops also tech solutions from data collected to increase more than ever farmer's productivity. 

Help Flore and her team to recruit a commercial force that will boost farmers productivity from France, Belgium, Sweden, and Canada. Funding, planting, collecting : together !

Discover the product : Toutilo.


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Fundraising goal
€ 700 000
Financial product
Investing in unlisted companies carries the risk of losing all the money invested.
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