Negative exit

Oh My Box !

Cooperative shares - Tax Shelter
Visit their website
  • Health
  • Organic
  • Local Production
  • Good health & well being
  • Responsible consumption and production
Impact category Sustainable living Degree of maturity Seed
Amount collected : € 63 750.00



Having been severely impacted by the Covid crisis, the project had to halt its Resto-Good activities in June 2022. In 2023, their application for a grant to continue operations was denied, and various other recovery possibilities proved unsatisfactory for sustaining their activities.

The company had to file for bankruptcy, and the bankruptcy judgment was pronounced in December 2023.


Oh My Box! Delivers lunchboxes to schools and companies with the aim of helping families, starting with the children, to move to a healthier and more sustainable diet. The lunchboxes, which can be ordered through an online platform, are made with quality, seasonal, unprocessed and locally sourced ingredients. After two years of collaboration with schools in various regions (Namur, Brabant Wallon, Hainaut, Bruxelles), Oh My Box! wants to extend its target audience to the parents themselves by opening a family-friendly restaurant. The restaurant will serve as a point of production and sale for the lunchboxes, which can be consumed on the spot, delivered, or taken away. Workshops for children and adults around the theme of a sustainable and healthy diet will also be regularly organized at the restaurant. 

Want to support the first family-friendly restaurant-for-good in Charleroi? This local initiative is looking to you to help them develop their project.

Oh My Box! Even super heros need help to prepare their childrens lunches


Follow the project on:


Philippe S.

J'ai investi dans Oh My Box ! car c'est une entreprise de ma région qui correspond à mes valeurs éthiques et environnementales

Nathan C.

J'ai investi dans Oh My Box ! car je suis persuadé que l'on change la société par l'alimentaton, et que le combat climatique et environnemental peut être gagné via ce biais. Le projet de Oh My Box répond à tous mes critères en terme d'écologie et de bien social.

Florence S.

J'ai investi dans Oh My Box ! car je veux que mes enfants mangent sainement et équilibrer à l'école, mais je n'ai pas le temps de concocter de bons petits lunchs. Ce concept est tout a fait pertinent.

Emmanuel v.

J'ai investi dans Oh My Box ! car je crois que les parents des écoles doivent pouvoir se réapproprier les repas de leur enfant à la cantine de l'école


Reasons to invest

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Fundraising goal
€ 80 000
Financial product
Coöperatieve aandelen
Investing in unlisted companies carries the risk of losing all the money invested.