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Prêt à Pousser

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  • Food
  • Local production
  • Sustainable cities and communities
  • Responsible consumption and production
Impact category Sustainable living Degree of maturity Acceleration
Amount collected : € 2 568 900.00



Malgré une forte croissance d'activité jusqu'en 2020, l'entreprise n'a pas réussit à atteindre la rentabilité. En 2022, elle a été contrainte de lancer un liquidation judiciaire ; les actifs ont été cédés à Vif System qui s'engage à maintenir l'activité et une équipe de 7 personnes. 


Prêt à Pousser wishes that everyone could grow part of their food to create a new generation of homemade enthusiasts. The start-up designs and sells autonomous indoor gardens that allows you to easily grow herbs, salads, small vegetables and flowers directly in your kitchen. This is a way to reclaim part of your diet - even when you don't have access to land - by producing healthier, fresher and tastier food yourself! For the past 4 years, the team has relied on an ever more inventive technology and increasing and enthusiastic community. Today, more than 75,000 households are proud to harvest Batavia, Basil and Mini-Peppers every day in their indoor gardens.

Become an ambassador for indoor growing and homemade cooking!

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Fundraising goal
€ 2 800 000
Financial product
Investing in unlisted companies carries the risk of losing all the money invested.