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Eco-Tech Ceram

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  • Clean and affordable energy
  • Responsible consumption and production
  • Action against climate change
Impact category Renewable energy Degree of maturity Development
Amount collected : € 395 000.00



Winner of the World Innovation Competition, Eco-Tech Ceram (ETC) is an engineering company,  recognized for its work in the energy efficiency and circular economy fields. ETC offers a heat storage solution, the Eco-Stock®, which makes it possible to recover and capture in a cost-effective way the heat lost in the fumes of industrial furnaces. By reusing this heat, companies can cut energy bills and greenhouse gas emissions: the best energy is the one you don't burn off! To succesfully market a profitable industrial solution for these yet unexploited heat sources, they first drew inspiration from the best available techniques (glass and steel industry) and then added 5 years of work, physical and economic common sense and nearly €4 million in budget. Eco-Tech Ceram benefits from numerous academic (CNRS, Mines, UPVD), institutional (ADEME, Bpifrance, PEXE, Europe, Bertrand Piccard's World alliance) and industrial (ArcelorMittal) supports.

To accelerate the commercial deployment of Eco-Stock® and promote energy efficiency, contribute to the 3rd participatory fund raising of ETC's history, this time it's on

Mettre à disposition une innovation au service de la communauté.


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Fundraising goal
€ 400 000
Financial product
Investing in unlisted companies carries the risk of losing all the money invested.
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