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7% Bonds
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  • Sustainable cities and communities
  • Responsible consumption and production
Impact category Sustainable living Degree of maturity Développement
Amount collected : € 798 200.00



Founded in 2011 by two young entrepreneurs passionate about food culture, Bioburger aims to change the codes of fast food and especially to promote and democratize organic farming in a different way thanks to a dish loved by all: the hamburger. Bioburger is, since its creation, the only 100% organic fast-food chain specializing in gourmet burgers for carnivores and vegetarians. Defending similar values to develop and democratize organic agriculture, the Biocoop cooperative will be approaching Bioburger in 2018 and will become a minority shareholder. Developed as a franchise since 2017, the Bioburger brand currently has 8 restaurants in operation (4 owned and 4 franchises) located in Paris, La Défense and Nantes. And the next opening is planned in Bordeaux! The investments will be necessary to 1/ open new own restaurants and franchises, 2/ support the head of the network which will be profitable in 2021, and 3/ promote the brand (marketing and communication). Bioburger aims to open 30 restaurants by the end of 2022, 80% of which will be franchises and the rest branches.

Take advantage of this exciting opportunity to accompany Bioburger in its continued expansion and actively participate in the democratization of organic agriculture in France!

170 salariés sur 4 succursales et 4 franchises


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Sarah A.

J'ai investi dans Bioburger car j'aime leur concepte bio et court-circuit. J'ai essayé leur délicieux burgers et j'en suis fan! Je serais ravie de voir Bioburger à Strasbourg et partout en France... et pourquoi pas remplacer le McDonald!

Mathias L.

J'ai investi dans Bioburger car j'apprécie leurs produits et démarches. Soutien de Biocoop rassurant.

Jérémie M.

I invested in Bioburger because sustainable the founding team is great and sustainable fast-foods have already succeeded elsewhere in Europe


Reasons to invest

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Amount collected
€ 798 200
Financial product
Investing in unlisted companies carries the risk of losing all the money invested.
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