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  • Ethical Consumption
  • Local Production
  • Local Economy
  • Decent work and economic growth
  • Sustainable cities and communities
  • Responsible consumption and production
Impact category Sustainable living Degree of maturity 1st project
Amount collected : € 272 800.00



CoHop is the first microbrewery cooperative in Brussels. Its aim is to share among its members a brewing place, skills, brewing equipment, a taproom, a tasting room, a sandwich shop, a takeaway and professional training. The CoHop brings together the Witloof, DrinkThatBeer, 1B2T (1 Bière 2 Tartines) breweries and the Janine bakery-brewery and is launching this year at the historic Arsenal in Etterbeek. The founders want to create a Brussels artisanal centre offering quality local products in an open and hybrid location. 

All cohoperators will benefit from:
* 10% discount on drinks at the bar for life.
* 10% discount for custom brewing.
* The right to participate in co-operative brews (the beer will then be sold at the brewpub).

Would you like to benefit from the Tax Shelter while participating in this new adventure? Join the CoHop!

Listen to Bertrand and Rémi's pitch HERE.

In addition to this tax reduction, the following rewards are offered:

- For an investment of 2000 €: A pack of 4 CoHop beers per month for 1 year.
- For an investment of 5000€: A 2.5 day professional training course at the CoHop.
- For an investment of 10,000€: You brew your own beer (with a brewer from the CoHop) which will be sold at the brewpub.

The dream team

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Géraud N.

I invested in CoHop because... I am a great believer in infrastructure sharing for microbreweries, as a way to compete economically with the major players, and to optimise the use of physical resources.

Eva S.

I invested in CoHop because ... - through investing, I can use the Tax Shelter - it allows me to support small projects. In this way, we can help our society put more local initiatives on the map.


Reasons to invest

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Amount collected
€ 272 800
Financial product
Investing in unlisted companies carries the risk of losing all the money invested.