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HD Aquasports

Bonds 6%
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  • Good health & well being
  • Reduced inequality
  • Sustainable cities and communities
Impact category Social economy Degree of maturity Mature
Amount collected : € 220 000.00



HD Aquasports is a limited liability company that develops and maintains a real estate park of swimming pools, called Aquacenter. Next to it, Promosport ASBL rents its spaces to offer a multitude of training courses and aquatic activities for young and old. Present in the provinces of Walloon Brabant, Brussels, Liège, Hainaut and Namur, the sports group has 20 years of experience and manages the activities of 12 public or private pools. It responds to a crying lack of swimming spaces on the territory and works with local authorities to develop a wide and inclusive offer. HD Aquasports is developing a 7th pool in Les-Bons-Villers and is offering a 6% bond over 6 years to co-finance this new facility.

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Amount collected
€ 220 000
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