The Mobility Factory
- Clean and affordable energy
- Sustainable cities and communities
- Action against climate change
The Mobility Factory provides electric car sharing services for citizen energy communities. The cooperative was born in the framework of the European Clean Energy Package, which aims to put the consumer and the decentralization of energy production at the heart of the European energy strategy. The Mobility Factory was conceived and launched by electric car sharing communities in Belgium three years ago. It provides its members with a complete platform and application model for electric car sharing services (SaaS).
To learn more about citizen energy communities and better understand the framework in which TMF operates, click here. The film "We the power" co-presented by REScoop and Patagonia illustrates this, the trailer is here.
Would you like to contribute to the mobility of the future through a player that uses IT as a lever for clean air, for less noise pollution and to transition to renewable energy? Become a player in this collaborative platform by investing in its development!
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Luc J.
I invested in The Mobility Factory because it meets a more sustainable mobility objective