- Clean and affordable energy
- Industry, innovation and infrastructure
- Sustainable cities and communities
MeGreen is active in the development of projects in the renewable energy sector throughout Belgium. The company is active in the creation of solar installations, in energy storage and in the market of charging stations for electric cars. In order to accelerate the electrification of the infrastructure it has a triple focus: public, commercial and private installations. It first started its activities with the installation of solar panels allowing the production of electricity during the day, and reducing the dependence on the electrical grid during the day. It quickly expanded its offer by proposing battery storage installations allowing increased self-consumption of energy produced in the absence of sunshine via energy storage as well as by proposing smart charging stations for electric & plug-in hybrid vehicles. MeGreen invites you to take part in its growth through bonds redeemed in 3 years, with an interest of 7.5% per year.
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Mark D.
I invested in MeGreen because sustainable investing is close to my heart. The proposed project to produce, store and/or consume renewable energy via EV charging points will help the transition.
Miriana F.
I invested in MeGreen because... I want to invest in the real economy and not leave my savings in a bank that uses them to finance the destruction of the world. Moreover, we want to install solar panels with batteries, so I like the idea of becoming a client of a company I co-finance :-)