Live Meeting 25/02 : Meet the BeCode team in English Register here


Bonds 7%
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  • Energy Transition
  • Local Production
  • Renewable Energy
  • Clean and affordable energy
  • Industry, innovation and infrastructure
  • Sustainable cities and communities
Impact category Renewable energy Degree of maturity Development
Amount collected : € 647 900.00



The electrification of remote areas is a major challenge for Africa, electricity being a key element for development. Hydrobox, a Belgian company operating in Kenya, has developed a complete and standardised solution for hydroelectric power generation. The solution includes hydropower plant installation and maintenance, power generation and distribution of electricity on the grid. The solution solves several known challenges of hydroelectric projects: customisation, lead time, remote asset management, regulations,... Today, Hydrobox has 3 active power plants and an impressive pipeline of projects in development, with the objective of electrifying 1 million Kenyans by 2027!

Being in full expansion and as part of a multiple financing round, Hydrobox offers a 7% bond to finance its working capital and continue the development of planned projects.

Listen to the replay of Thomases pitch who details it all and answers all questions: link HERE.

HydroBox meets the eligibility criteria of the start-up plan, which will allow investors (natural persons) to benefit from an exemption from withholding tax on interest during the 4 first years.

The exemption is limited per taxpayer and per year to the interest on the first 15,000 euros of new loans concluded within a period of 4 years. For more information on this tax exemption, click here.

Hydrobox in a nutshell!

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Stéphane D.

I invested in HydroBox because it is a great project that combines development and energy transition.

Géraud N.

I believe in hydro-electricity as a truly low-carbon renewable energy source. I like the modularity of the container system and the logic of minimising the impact on biodiversity. I also think it is crucial that developing countries take the right energy trajectories.

Geoffroy d.

I invested in HydroBox for several reasons: reference shareholders, PoC, renewable energy, development aid, People/Planet/Profit.

Alain R.

I invested in HydroBox because the arguments of the founder convinced me and because I am a strong supporter of hydropower for its many advantages. I hope and believe that Hydrobox can reach a much higher stage of development and I will be happy to hear that they are launching another fundraising campaign after reaching this goal.

Bruno M.

I invested in HydroBox because it is an extremely convincing project, both financially and in terms of its societal impact.


Reasons to invest

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Amount collected
€ 647 900
Financial product
Investing in unlisted companies carries the risk of losing all the money invested.
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