

Convertible bonds 8%
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  • Digital
  • Tech
  • Training
  • Health
  • Good health & well being
  • Decent work and economic growth
Impact category Tech for good Degree of maturity Development
Amount collected : € 154 200.00



In Belgium, more than 500,000 people are currently on long-term sick leave, 40% of them for mental health reasons. Among young people, one in 3 suffers from anxiety or depression. Consumption of anti-depressants and tranquillisers is reaching alarming levels.

Evoluno offers companies a comprehensive program aimed at employees, to create a virtuous circle and put an end to mental health problems by providing tools for harmonious personal development. Nearly 80,000 employees and civil servants are already benefiting, with Evoluno's customers including: Evoluno's clients include Proximus, Voo, McKinsey, Medi-Market and various federal public services.

The solution, in the form of a mobile and web application, is designed to help employees manage difficulties in both their professional and personal lives: stress, mood, sleep, interactions with others, etc. The tool offers self-directed learning pathways that combine self-assessment, audio capsules, exercises, meditations, etc. .... The techniques proposed all have a validated scientific basis. If required, the solution can be used to make an online match with a psychologist who is best suited to the individual's needs. An interactive online dashboard also enables HR managers to manage and monitor psychosocial risks and mental health within the company, enabling them to identify and act more quickly where there are collective difficulties. .

Several public and private funding bodies have already invested in the company in 2021. The Brussels region (via Finance.Brussels) has confirmed that it will contribute €100k to this new round of funding (funding included in the "professional" section of the amounts raised).

Evoluno is growing strongly, thanks to ever-increasing demand and an excellent subscription renewal rate (software licence rental). The company is expected to break even in the second half of 2024.

Evoluno invites you to invest in its growth to make the solution available more quickly to more users, in Belgium and internationally! LITA offers you the opportunity to subscribe to convertible bonds at a rate of 8%. As an individual, you can take advantage of a very attractive tax advantage: exemption from withholding tax on interest paid for the first 4 years (more information here).

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Pierre T.

I invested in Evoluno because mental health is a subject that touches me personally and one that deserves to be given a prominent place in the modern workplace.

Cecile M.

I invested in Evoluno because mental health problems in the workplace are a scourge in our society today... and I think it's great to be able to help fight against them and contribute to improving the fulfilment of workers.

Joke B.

I invested in Evoluno because I value mental health at work.

Myriam C.

I invested in Evoluno because it's high time we put an end to malaise in the workplace.

Leen V.

I invested in Evoluno because it is a wonderful project with huge growth potential.

Michel S.

I invested in Evoluno because I believe that mental health in the workplace is essential to the quality of life of people in any society.


Reasons to invest

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Amount collected
€ 153 300
Financial product
Convertible Bonds
Investing in unlisted companies carries the risk of losing all the money invested.