

Green bonds - 8%
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  • Industry, innovation and infrastructure
  • Responsible consumption and production
  • Action against climate change
Impact category Transformation Degree of maturity Exploitation
Amount collected : € 341 100.00



LITA has recently launched a new investment offer "Transformation" dedicated to finance companies in their transition to low carbon models. This campaign is the second part of the REALITES fundraising, organised by France, and also accessible via the Belgian platform.

The REALITES group is a medium-sized company specialised in the development of real estate projects and services in France and, more recently, in Africa. Since its creation, the Group has experienced strong growth with a turnover that has almost tripled between 2016 and 2021 (€285.7m turnover in 2021). After starting out as a residential property developer, REALITES has gradually structured itself around two main areas: project management and property management. Project management remains the Group's historic core business and is carried out on all types of property assets: collective and individual housing, offices, shops, etc. The Group also offers operating services that meet the needs of the territories (property management): support for seniors losing their independence with the Heurus residences, combating medical desertification with the MedCorner City health centers, access to quality housing for students with the Cap' Etudes residences... In January 2021 the company the adopted the status of a mission-driven company. Amongst its operational mission objectives, REALITES has chosen to take the turn with carbon transition and actively fight against global warming by committing to reduce the carbon intensity of its activities by -40% by 2031 compared to the 2020 level, in its trajectory updated with the new French environmental regulations (RE2020). To achieve this, the Group carried out a complete carbon assessment of its business in 2020 with the support the consulting firm Carbone 4, enabling it to set out an ambitious carbon reduction pathway. To follow its climate strategy, the Group's financial needs are estimated to reach €30 million, including €9 million in 2022, based on different aspects (reduction, compensation, CSR strategy). 

After an initial fundraising of €1.5M last summer via, REALITES is returning for a second stage of €3.5M in green bonds with an impact premium. This premium will guarantee the sustainable nature of this investment and encourage the Group to respect its carbon impact commitments.

Support REALITES' transformation and contribute to the progressive decarbonisation of one of the most CO2 emitting industries.

REALITES takes the turn of the carbon transition with!

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Bruno M.

I invested in REALITES BE because real estate is one of the first sectors where change is needed, and there are few truly innovative projects in this sector.

Gaetan d.

I invested in REALITES because I feel very concerned by the ecological transition and because it is a concrete project well supervised by Carbone 4. I wish them success in achieving or surpassing their objectives.

benoit l.

I invested in REALITES BE because they have an honourable approach. The conditions are much better than a savings account. Long live decarbonised investment

​Dominique C.

I invested in REALITES BE because it is a company that is committed to decarbonising its construction activities in a sector that is highly polluting

​Dominique C.

I invested in REALITES BE because it is a necessary project to decarbonise a very polluting sector.

Philippe R.

I invested in REALITES to diversify my portfolio with bonds with a good return, and in green building.

Alexis S.

I invested in REALITES as a financially mature company offering an attractive interest and working towards more environmentally responsible construction.


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Amount collected
€ 341 100
Financial product
Green bonds
Investing in unlisted companies carries the risk of losing all the money invested.