
Bien Commun

French TP
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  • Industrie, innovatie en infrastructuur
  • Duurzame steden en gemeenschappen
Soort impact Duurzaam vastgoed Maturiteit Seed funding
Opgehaald bedrag : € 399 300,00



BIEN COMMUN is a Social Cooperative of Collective Interest (SCIC) working to revitalize small towns and villages in the region of Occitanie. To achieve this, it has established a real estate consulting firm specializing in real estate development for local authorities, aiming to renovate old buildings in rural areas. In 2023, it expanded its activities by creating a social real estate investment company structured as a SAS (Société par Actions Simplifiée) - La FONCIERE RURALE. As a project owner, it renovates existing buildings to offer affordable housing and local shops for rent. Today, Bien Commun masters the entire value chain, from feasibility study to renovation and rental. By opting for a cooperative company format and holding ESUS accreditation (social utility company), Bien Commun has specialized in setting up real estate projects with a positive impact on local communities. In 2023, the company achieved a revenue of more than 261 k€. Bien Commun is now fundraising with to finance the development of its real estate business, to ensure the financing of the first property company's project - the house of Cazes - and to strengthen the group's financial structure. This first global project of renovation will include a multi-service retail outlet and 8 intergenerational housing units. The cost is €1.2 million, financed by the property company's own funds, public subsidies and bank loans. The construction will start in the 3rd quarter of 2024, thereby Bien Commun is seeking 200 k€ in order to involve the citizens in its mission with territorial impact.

To put an end to the downward spiral in village development, contribute to the financing of Bien Commun and help revitalize the rural areas!

"La Maison Mazet", the first global rehabilitation project led by the property company.

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Opgehaald bedrag
€ 399 300
Financieel product
French TP
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