
Energie Partagée
Green economy
- Betaalbare en duurzame energie
- Klimaatactie
Soort impact
Hernieuwbare energie
Opgehaald bedrag :
€ 29 200,00
Energie Partagée Investissement collects citizen's savings and invest them in renewable energies (wind, solar, hydraulic, methanization...). Those long term projects are mostly controlled by citizens or local authorities. Created in 2009, Energie Partagée is founded on the risks and benefits pooling principle. The average performance target is about 4% per year, paid after 10 years of shares holding. The company's mission is to give to citizens the power to decide about energies matters and to allow them to finance this developing sector.

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Opgehaald bedrag
€ 29 200
Financieel product
Investeren in niet-beursgenoteerde bedrijven brengt het risico met zich mee dat het volledig geïnvesteerde geldbedrag verliest.