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Foncière Chênelet

Social and eco-friendly housing
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  • Betaalbare en duurzame energie
  • Ongelijkheid verminderen
  • Duurzame steden en gemeenschappen
Soort impact Duurzaam vastgoed Maturiteit Development
Opgehaald bedrag : € 1 354 338,40



La Foncière Chênelet is a certified B-Corp and ESUS Social Enterprise, recognized to be an enterprise of public benefit. It also has the labels “Crowdfunding for Green Growth” and FINANSOL. Its goal is to build and/or renovate comfortable and low energy consumption accommodation adapted to the elderly or to families with a disabled member in order to offer them a rewarding living environment. 2017 marked a change in scale for Foncière Chênelet which has a strong desire to replicate its model throughout the French territory and to position itself, in parallel with the market for new construction, on the market for the renovation of old housing.

La Foncière Chênelet is part of the Chênelet group. 


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Opgehaald bedrag
€ 1 354 338,4
Financieel product
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