
La Fraterne

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  • Eerlijk werk en economische groei
  • Ongelijkheid verminderen
Soort impact Duurzame consumptie Maturiteit 1st project
Opgehaald bedrag : € 332 140,00



La Fraterne is an integration restaurant for people with disabilities based in Nantes and run for 2 years by three actors of the Social and Solidarity Economy: the TITI FLORIS cooperative, the SAPRENA Adapted Company and the ADAPEI Association. In 2016, Boris COUILLEAU, the manager of TITI FLORIS (a cooperative transport company for all publics, created in 2006 and with 145 employee partners and more than 800 employees), aims to create an inclusive and supportive environment in the Nantes region through a main self-service catering activity employing people with disabilities and a complementary event rental activity. The purpose of the fundraising campaign is to acquire and renovate a 5,500m2 site - including 635m2 of buildings - located in the Hauts de Couëron ZAC, which will open its doors in 2019. La Fraterne has obtained a €300k capital investment agreement and wishes to complete its fundraising through for an amount of €75k.

La Fraterne is an integration restaurant for people with disabilities based in Nantes.


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Opgehaald bedrag
€ 332 140
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