
- Betaalbare en duurzame energie
- Duurzame steden en gemeenschappen
- Verantwoorde consumptie en productie
Soort impact
Duurzame consumptie
Proof of concept
Opgehaald bedrag :
€ 164 852,27
Jubiles is a young company created in 2017 with the aim of democratizing healthy and responsible food. It produces a delicious kombucha, a fermented tea-based drink.
Antoine and François then decided to become involved in a healthier and more responsible diet and created Jubiles. Their objective? Democratize kombucha, a drink with therapeutic and strengthening properties, and take advantage of its promising development.
After one year of activity, the startup has accumulated nearly 115K€ of turnover and their drinks are listed in more than 70 points of sale, including Biocoop and Cojean. The objective of this first fundraising is to finance material investments to increase their production capacity and make their first hires.

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Opgehaald bedrag
€ 164 852,27
Financieel product
Investeren in niet-beursgenoteerde bedrijven brengt het risico met zich mee dat het volledig geïnvesteerde geldbedrag verliest.