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  • Betaalbare en duurzame energie
  • Ongelijkheid verminderen
Soort impact Tech for good Maturiteit Acceleration
Opgehaald bedrag : € 2 644 900,00



Upowa a été acquise par EDF ENERGY FOR ALL en 2024, dans un contexte économique complexe. Le prix de cession symbolique des actions a entraîné une moins-value pour les investisseurs.


UpOwa has developed an innovative autonomous solar production solution invoiced on demand to provide Cameroon's rural populations with a sustainable supply of solar electricity and enable them to light up and charge a mobile at a lower cost than existing solutions. Today, one in five people on our planet still has no access to electricity: for 600 million people in Africa, this means that their phones are unusable and they live in the dark as soon as the sun sets. Since the commercial launch, UpOwa has already equipped more than 5000 homes with a guaranteed autonomous solar system and lights up more than 25000 people every night! By the end of 2022, more than one million people will be receiving electricity. The co-founders' objective is to expand their offer in the rest of Cameroon and hope to reach a portfolio of nearly 200,000 installations by the end of 2022.

If you wish to participate in the financing of a company committed to democratizing access to electricity in Africa, do not wait any longer and subscribe to

Label croissance verte

Un accès facile à une énergie verte.


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Doel van de fundraising
€ 2 800 000
Financieel product
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