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Synergie Family

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  • Kwaliteitsonderwijs
  • Eerlijk werk en economische groei
  • Duurzame steden en gemeenschappen
Soort impact Sociale economie Maturiteit Développement
Opgehaald bedrag : € 841 100,00



Synergie Family, a leading social player in Marseille founded in 2009 by Frank Tortel and Laurent Choukroun, is involved in the development of socio-educational actions for the benefit of children, youth and families. To date, these activities are divided into 5 distinct areas: Leisure centres, extracurricular activities, professional integration, social engineering and social centres. Its mission is part of a process of personal fulfilment and development of the individual. Bringing innovative solutions, using the best of technology, educational sciences and personal development, revealing talents and incubating dreams, this is their ambition. Following the award of two new public contracts for €13.8M over 3 years from the Marseille City Council and the Ministry of Labor respectively on extracurricular and professional integration, Synergie Family is raising funds to strengthen its teams and anticipate the operational management of these activities.

Give them the power to carry out this social mission essential to the development of a more inclusive, social and fairer society by reserving your investment on LITA.co!

Incuber les rêves, telle est leur ambition !


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Doel van de fundraising
€ 350 000
Financieel product
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