

  • Eerlijk werk en economische groei
  • Duurzame steden en gemeenschappen
  • Verantwoorde consumptie en productie
Soort impact Duurzame consumptie Maturiteit Acceleration
Opgehaald bedrag : € 515 759,58



Created in 2016, Raisin is an app that references both natural winemakers and establishments alike (wine shops, restaurants and bars). Raisin defines natural wine as a wine made only with grapes and sometimes a little sulfur, made in respect of nature and people. More than 7,000 wine professionals are currently mapped in the application, spread over different geographical areas: France, United States, South Africa, Great Britain, Belgium, Italy...and more. Plus, Raisin has nearly 200,000 users to date. The start-up's ambition is to democratize knowledge of natural wine and facilitate access to it in order to stimulate its demand and therefore encourage ecologically responsible and economically viable viticulture. Natural wine is also a key indicator of bars, wine shops, and restaurants that are committed to offering seasonal, local, and often organic products. While Raisin is always free to users, the application has offered a subscription-based service to the listed establishments since September 2020. Raisin has also made a name for itself thanks to the book "100 Grands vins naturel d’émotion," sold online and to establishments recommended on the application. Raisin is soliciting citizens via for a 600K€ financing that will allow it to fund 7 hires who are dedicated to the app’s growth, development , and marketing of the brand.

Are you interested in supporting ecological and sustainable viticulture? Invest now in Raisin on!

France: The #1 European consumer of pesticides.

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Opgehaald bedrag
€ 515 759,58
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