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Convertible Bonds
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  • Verantwoorde consumptie en productie
  • Klimaatactie
  • Leven op het land
Soort impact Veerkrachtige landbouw en industrieën Maturiteit Priming
Opgehaald bedrag : € 345 000,00



The renewal of agricultural populations represents a major challenge in terms of food resilience and ecological transition. While demographic trends anticipate that half of French farmers will be of retirement age within 10 years, the sector faces challenges in replacing these farmers and organizing the development of renewed models of agriculture that respect the land and living things. It is in response to these challenges that Maxime Pawlak and François Moret founded Eloi in 2019, giving themselves the mission of accompanying farmers selling their farms and buyers with an agro-ecological project. By proposing the rehabilitation of farms in transmission, and the digitalization of the installation process, Eloi facilitates the takeover of farms and their conversion to agroecological practices. Today, the company, which already has about 20 farms in the process of being transferred and has qualified more than 300 project leaders, wishes to develop food and territorial resilience practices on a large scale. It aims to transfer 1,500 farms per year within five years. To accelerate its development and meet the challenges of the next 10 years, Eloi wants to raise, in the first quarter of 2022, 700,000 euros in equity and debt, including 300,000 euros through the citizen fundraising, in anticipation of a round of equity financing planned in 2023.

Invest in Eloi and participate in the renewal of the agricultural population and the transformation of practices in favor of an ecological and resilient agriculture!

Eloi, pour une transmission des exploitations agricoles facilitée !

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Opgehaald bedrag
€ 345 000
Financieel product
Converteerbare obligaties
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