

  • Duurzame steden en gemeenschappen
  • Partnerschap om doelstellingen te bereiken
Soort impact Tech for good Maturiteit Seed
Opgehaald bedrag : € 498 847,44



Kawaa is a collaborative platform that brings together all the tools to successfully organize citizen events. The platform provides citizens with a digital interface, a network of third parties and animation methods to create quality meetings around their interests and commitments. We also offer support and a specific offer for the B2B market (local authorities, associations and companies) with advanced community management and data analysis functionalities. Founded in 2014 in Ile-de-France, Kawaa is a certified "solidarity company" and a member of the Open Democracy collective, which brings together the actors of Civic Tech in France. We were incubated by Sensecube - the Makesense community's incubator specialized in "Tech for good" projects - and received financial support from BPI France and France Active.

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Opgehaald bedrag
€ 498 847,44
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