
Evidence B Kidscode

  • Kwaliteitsonderwijs
  • Ongelijkheid verminderen
Soort impact Tech for good Maturiteit Seed
Opgehaald bedrag : € 100 000,02



EvidenceB Kidscode is developing its digital activities so as to answer to educational challenges (learning of core knowledge, memorization, creativity) but also to children with developmental disorders (attention disorders, dys-type disorders, autism…), responsible for school drop-outs.

Its contents include:

- The creation of educational courses (mathematics, French…) based on cognitive sciences

- The personalization and adaptation of these activities according to the student’s profile using artificial intelligence

- The development of interfaces stimulating the attention of children including the platform (kidscode), containing a 3D video game “sandbox” but also various 2D games, chatbots…

- The distribution of this content via this platform and/or directly on the platform of clients (B2B).

☎️ Do you have questions about this project? You can call Meryl de, campaign manager, to make an appointment at a moment of your convenience.  

Des neurones et des datas pour une éducation sur mesure



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Opgehaald bedrag
€ 100 000,02
Financieel product
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