Live Meeting 25/02 : Ontmoet het BeCode team in English Schrijf je hier in


Hun website bezoeken
  • Duurzame steden en gemeenschappen
  • Verantwoorde consumptie en productie
Soort impact Tech for good Maturiteit Acceleration
Opgehaald bedrag : € 592 974,00



For several years now, the 3 founders of myfood : Mickaël, Matthieu and Johan, have run a bunch of production in tight spaces experiments. During the summer of 2015, for 5 weeks, 250 makers (i.e designers and engineers) were gathered at The Millemont Castle around 12 projects selected at a global scale . Myfood took off thanks to that bootcamp by creating a Citizen Pioneers Community around a shared vision : to decentralize and secure the food industry. Since 2016, myfood set up advanced prototypes through Europe in a continual improvement approach. Today, more than 150 pioneers contribute on a daily basis to enhance solutions offered by myfood.

Nowadays, the provision of a sustainable and healthy diet has become a crucial issue. You can participate by investing in their project !

Label croissance verte

Farmer 2.0


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Opgehaald bedrag
€ 592 974
Financieel product
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