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  • Duurzame steden en gemeenschappen
  • Klimaatactie
Soort impact Tech for good Maturiteit Accélération
Opgehaald bedrag : € 837 100,00



WeNow was created in 2014 based on an alarming observation: CO2 emissions, and in particular those of transport, are constantly increasing. This 100% French start-up offers companies, with a fleet of professional vehicles, a pragmatic and profitable solution that allows them to reduce their climate impact through three dimensions: CO2 emissions measurement using a box connected to the vehicle, environmental and economic reduction of the their trips' impact through eco-driving and offsetting the remaining emissions by financing carbon offset projects certified by the UN. Labelled by the Solar Impulse Foundation and "Climate Neutral" by the UN, their solution places innovative technology and training at the service of more sustainable mobility. Today, WeNow has equipped several thousand vehicles and as many users are now aware of eco-driving practices: 340 tonnes of CO2 have been avoided since 2014.

If you want to help finance a company committed to making sustainable driving accessible to all, invest in WeNow.

WeNow est en levée de fonds sur ! 


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Opgehaald bedrag
€ 837 100
Financieel product
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