Positieve exit


  • Betaalbare en duurzame energie
  • Verantwoorde consumptie en productie
Soort impact Hernieuwbare energie Maturiteit Développement
Opgehaald bedrag : € 484 700,00



Ener-Pacte is a driving force in the energy transition by providing a complete, simple and pragmatic solution to non-professional photovoltaic plant owners. Ener-Pacte initially targets the market for existing, first-generation solar power plants, mainly owned by farmers (more than 6,000 target plants). Thanks to its technical, legal and financial expertise, Ener-Pacte has developed a solution that enables its clients to secure the economic returns of their ageing, under-optimised and often substandard power plants. Today, Ener-Pacte manages a fleet of several dozen photovoltaic power plants, representing a cumulative power of approximately 5 Megawatts (MW) - generating a future income of more than 5 million euros spread over the next 13 years. Their objective, thanks to the fund raising: to go from 5MW of power plants under management to more than 100MW by the end of 2022!

Secure France's photovoltaic assets by participating in the financing of Ener-Pacte on LITA.co.

Une solution sur-mesure garantissant la rentabilité des centrales solaires.


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Doel van de fundraising
€ 350 000
Financieel product
Investeren in niet-beursgenoteerde bedrijven brengt het risico met zich mee dat het volledig geïnvesteerde geldbedrag verliest.