Failed exit


Bonds 7%
Hun website bezoeken
  • Duurzame steden en gemeenschappen
  • Verantwoorde consumptie en productie
Soort impact Duurzame consumptie Maturiteit Développement
Opgehaald bedrag : € 385 800,00



Malgré une croissance soutenue avec un chiffre d'affaires multiplié par deux d'une année à l'autre, ayant atteint 3,5M€ en 2021 et 1180 abonnés actifs, la société n'a pas réussi à finaliser une levée de fonds lui permettant d'atteindre la rentabilité économique. Le contexte économique dégradé (la bio en déclin, la guerre en Ukraine, l'inflation) n'a pas permis au dirigeant de convaincre nouveaux investisseurs. Face à la tension de trésorerie, la société a été contrainte de lancer une procédure de redressement judiciaire. 

Le 8 Aout 2022 la société LES COMMIS a racheté les principaux actifs afin de maintenir et développer l'activité de RUTABAGO. 


Launched by three entrepreneurs in search of "a project that makes sense and has a positive impact", Rutabago delivered in May 2016 the first 100% certified organic kitchen cubicle. As an ESS startup of FoodTech, Rutabago's ambition is to promote Good Eating by using the lever of the kitchen. The solution of the organic cooking box delivered to the home is unique. The Rutabago box is composed of balanced recipes created to delight the taste buds of customers and all their pre-dosed ingredients, from organic producers, craftsmen, in short circuit. Since the first box was sent 4 years ago, Rutabago has avoided 10 tons of food waste thanks to the pre-dosed ingredients, and more than 5 tons thanks to donations to solidarity grocery stores. Rutabago's mission is therefore environmental and fundamentally social: to regain the pleasure of healthy and sustainable cooking, while supporting producers and reducing food waste. Biocoop, a leader in specialised organic distribution, and NovESS, an investment fund with a recognised impact, have been Rutabago's two main shareholders since June 2019. In addition to financial support, they bring their expertise and a network of partners from the social and solidarity economy.

Rutabago's vision is to create an adventure that is above all human. Don't hesitate any longer, invest and join the fight to make organic and responsible food the standard of tomorrow!

Manifeste pour le Bien Manger


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Doel van de fundraising
€ 400 000
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