Live Meeting 25/02 : Ontmoet het BeCode team in English Schrijf je hier in


Hun website bezoeken
  • Kwaliteitsonderwijs
  • Eerlijk werk en economische groei
  • Partnerschap om doelstellingen te bereiken
Soort impact Tech for good Maturiteit Seed
Opgehaald bedrag : € 338 300,00



Flint is an information sorting platform for learning better. Created in 2013, it uses artificial intelligence to provide a personalized selection of articles in a daily newsletter. Through developed, successful and owned technology, Flint is able to determine mathematical selection criteria corresponding to the requirements, desires and needs of the user. These criteria are refined over the interactions between the user and his robot thanks to machine learning. With the paid version operating via a subscription system, Flint also makes it possible to carry out a sector watch on the news of a market or a theme to share them with its community or to promote the sharing of knowledge internally and promote the expertise of its employees. Flint's artificial intelligence was first trained on a multi-million-article basis by more than 20,000 international experts. Today, it is continually refining its data and operations through user interaction, even in a large number of niche sectors. Through its committed positioning, Flint has been able to unite a community of over 20,000 militant citizens for better information.

Because information guides our actions, its quality and veracity are essential. So invest now in Flint!

Benoît, Président Co-fondateur de Flint vous présente la levée de fonds !


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Marguerite G.

Voilà une bonne année que je suis abonnée au bulletin quotidien qui m'oriente vers des articles que je n'aurais pas forcément trouvé sur Facebook (mon autre source d'information outre les médias plus classiques que je suis presque "naturellement"). Je lis également avec intérêt (quoique pas systématiquement) la newsletter dominicale de Benoît Raphaël. J'espère contribuer à consolider Flint par mon mini-investissement.


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Opgehaald bedrag
€ 338 300
Financieel product
Investeren in niet-beursgenoteerde bedrijven brengt het risico met zich mee dat het volledig geïnvesteerde geldbedrag verliest.
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