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Label Emmaüs

Social shares - IR 2022
Hun website bezoeken
  • Eerlijk werk en economische groei
  • Ongelijkheid verminderen
  • Verantwoorde consumptie en productie
Soort impact Sociale economie Maturiteit Acceleration
Opgehaald bedrag : € 164 500,00



Label Emmaus, the standard-bearer for responsible consumption and professional integration, is the first solidarity-based e-commerce website. With a catalog produced exclusively by the Emmaus Movement and its partners in the Social and Solidarity Economy (Red Cross, Ressourceries, Artisans du Monde, etc.), the cooperative society is pursuing its age-old mission of training disadvantaged people in the trades of the future and promoting their social and professional integration. In line with the movement's DNA, Label Emmaus is modernizing the image of solidarity-based commerce and participating in the digital transition of an entire sector, the SSE, by promoting revalued, reconditioned and recycled items on its marketplace. A diversification of its channels which also allows to widen the target public to maximize its impact. Through its various activities, which are partly funded by the Label Transition endowment fund, Label Emmaus works to promote professional integration. To supply the marketplace, the organization trains companions in digital sales activities, enabling them to ensure their employability over the coming years. The reuse logistics platforms in the 93 and 47 regions of France are also springboards for integration: second-hand books, unsold goods and company furniture are collected and then recycled on the e-commerce site. The cooperative's commitment to employment is further developed through Label École, a training organization specialized in e-commerce that trains dozens of job seekers, with little or no formal education, in digital professions. Through all of its activities, Label Emmaus democratizes sobriety in consumption and promotes cohesion by promoting fair, social and ecological values. In order to pursue this goal and after three successful fundraising events, Label Emmaus is back on After Seine-Saint-Denis and Lot-et-Garonne, they are heading to Tarn with the aim of opening an integration logistics platform in 2022. The cooperative is looking for €200,000 to continue to expand its activity in the service of social integration and the revitalization of territories.

Invest in Label Emmaus and promote the digital transition of the SSE to perpetuate professional integration, sustainable consumption and continue the fight against poverty!

Label Emmaüs promeut un e-commerce solidaire et militant.

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Opgehaald bedrag
€ 164 500
Financieel product
Coöperatieve aandelen
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