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  • Betaalbare en duurzame energie
  • Verantwoorde consumptie en productie
  • Klimaatactie
Soort impact Sociale economie Maturiteit Exploitation
Opgehaald bedrag : € 5 206 900,00



Windcoop is developing a maritime freight transport solution. The cooperative aims to decarbonize the supply chain by using modern sailing cargos. By replacing traditional container ships with sailing cargos, Windcoop will save up to 90% in fossil fuels. Its mission is part of a global strategy for the development of the merchant fleet, in order to act on environment and people. Three founders are at the origin of the project: Arcadie, importer of organic spices, Zéphyr et Borée, a shipping company offering low-carbon solutions, and Julien Noé, founder and Chairman of Enercoop, French supplier of renewable energies. Matthieu Brunet, Chairman of Arcadie, is wishing to reduce the environmental impact of its supply chain, as Arcadie import a large quantity of spices from Madagascar. He decided to participate in the construction of the first sailing container ship to decarbonize its maritime freight. Driven by the will of the three partners to reaffirm their values ​​and specificities, Windcoop plans to open a first maritime line between Madagascar and Marseille. With 89 meters long, the sailing ship will have a capacity of 1,400 tonnes, or 104 containers.

This citizen fundraising completes a first round of financing which took place in the second half of 2022 and which had already raised nearly €1.2 million on

It is to put the economy back in the hands of citizens that Windcoop raises funds on Become a co-owner of the boat and participate in the decarbonization of maritime transport by investing in Windcoop!

Windcoop, in campaign on!

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Opgehaald bedrag
€ 5 206 900
Financieel product
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